Thursday, August 8, 2013

Focusing Lasers

After i finished watching Focusing The Lasers, i decided that i consider myself to be a laser type of student because i knew the path that i wanted to take when arriving here at Chabot. I knew what kind of degree i wanted to achieve after i finished high school and every day i am coming closer to my goals. I took a class my junior year which was Graphics design that got me really interested in the subject and from then on i knew that i wanted to get into that field of study. I want to transfer out after i am done at Chabot and i only need a few classes left. I felt great coming in to Chabot with the mind set that i had. I have taken longer than expected due t injuries and surgeries that have kept me out for semesters, but i am closer everyday.

In High school the only motive i had to get good grades was soccer. They required students to have a 2.0 GPA to play for the team and the first year that i tried out i got a 3.5, and i was very proud of myself. I always know what i want to do in life and same with my school work. I have a good vision of what path i am taking i can certainly say that i am happy with the ways things are turning out. I don't think i would change any categories because this one suits me quite well.

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