Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Giving back to mother Earth

As I got older I always lived Iin apartments. I was never able to grow anything and see how plants or fruits grow. Now that I live in a house I planted a tomato plant, strawberries, and roses. Its great to be able to water and see how they sprouted. I have pictures of my tomato plant in different stages. Now it has about 6 tomatoes that have popped out. I have a big back yard and have a lot of space to plant more things. I am going to plant a tree and some more fruits so I can stop buying fruits from the store. I'm trying to give earth more oxygen as I'm planting a tree. I am also going to build a wishing pond with my step dad so we can also chillax in the back yard. The roses make the front yard look pretty nice. There are others that are starting to open. It feels great to give back to mother earth.

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