Wednesday, July 17, 2013


During the film there was stuff that i agree too but also disagree too. i feel like a person should always have confidence in themselves. What i felt like was that the student in the movie The Passions Project they didn't seem to be confident till after high school. some said they didn't know what to do or was being force to follow a certain path, but i never felt that way. We learn from our mistakes and i think they were scared to fail at something. I also agree that in order to take greater risks is if they are in a comfortable environment. also that is not only the teachers responsibility in the class but also the students. Teacher do not want to go in a class where the students don't care and are only there because they are force too be in school. teachers will start to get irritated and lose their passion with teaching, and that is one reason why some teacher don't care about their students. Once a person losses their passion is hard to gain it back.

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